If anyone is wondering...this was a great birthday. First of all, on my walk to class this morning I made all of the walk signs, didnt have to stop once. Secondly, Mom picked me up from class, treated to lunch and dropped me off at class. Plus at class my professor asked me what I was doing after graduation, I shrugged, and said, "Taking a year off and going into nursing." He thought it was a good idea but he asked because he was going to try and convince me to go to grad school, which I think is a good sign if he wants me to go to grad school. Then vb practice and off to Old Chicago for Irish Beer, its the mini tour for St. Patrick's Day. It was good, I had four beers, I would have finished my tour with one more beer but they only allow 4 beers a day, boo. I wanted my shirt.
The best gift of all was.....
How sweet it is....
I love all of you that sent me messages and some of you that didnt. Ha
Hope the Badgers make the tournament.....Yikes....
This is what I am listening to....
Oh damn! What can you really say to that? Glad it was a good one