As you can see the garden is growing...look at those tomato plants, more like trees. And the squash and zuchini are taking over, they have almost wrapped around the house. My peppers, however are having a little trouble.
If you look closely you can see a jalepeno starting to grow, this is on the store boughten one, not the plants from seed.
This is my squash, kinda looks like an acorn, there are tons of blossoms on this one, so lots of squash to be had in a month or so.
The zuchini is doing about as well as the squash, like I said you kinda have to look for the actual fruit through all the vines.
Here is my habenero. It started out well, but thats about it. It has had a couple of blossoms but no chilis yet.
Finally the spicy banana pepper. This one was the plant that I thought was going to do the best. Well the zuchini and squash have taken that role. However I did notice, and again you have to look hard, a little pepper starting to grow from a blossom, so hopes are still high.
As for this guy, as I was thinning out my jalepeno pepper plants in an effort to give them more room to grow and start producing some peppers, I saw this guy flying around the yard. At first I thought it was a butterfly because that's what it looked like when it was flying. As you can see when it landed it appears to be a grasshopper. He blended in with the ground really well so I could only get good shots when he wasn't in the grass.